
Meet other students working for healthcare freedom.


Meet other students working for healthcare freedom.

Learn about and promote the doctor-patient relationship through BRI chapters at medical schools, residencies, nursing schools, pre-med programs, and as a physician in your local community!

If you’re interested in learning more about Benjamin Rush Institute chapters, then you are in the right place! BRI is here to support healthcare students and professionals in the important work of educating each other about pathways to preserve the doctor-patient relationship, increase quality patient care, reduce physician burnout, and discuss practical healthcare solutions.

Why Join BRI?

The patient-doctor relationship thrives in an environment that promotes free enterprise, where doctors and healthcare professionals are free to innovate, create and compete. A truly free system fosters the highest quality healthcare options for the most people at the lowest possible costs. BRI student and healthcare leaders are ambassadors, advocates, and educators in their communities. With support from BRI’s national office, chapter members can organize a variety of educational events that promote principles of quality patient-care and innovation, which will ultimately preserve the medical profession’s integrity and improve the American healthcare system. BRI student and healthcare leaders work with their chapter members to determine the events that they will host throughout the academic year. Debates, panel discussions, lectures, journal clubs, and movie screenings are just a few examples of programming that BRI organizes for the medical community.

Benefits for BRI Chapters & Student Leaders

As a member of BRI, students receive a great many benefits.


Most of the DPC docs had worked for a big hospital before they went into primary care. Their stories about the suffering, hopelessness, and burnout at big hospitals and clinics led them to open DPC practices.

Student, MS3
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

After being accepted to present a research paper at [the 2022 Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting], BRI was able to fund a trip for myself to San Antonio to present and network at the [meeting]. This was truly an incredible experience!

Nicholas, MS3
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

I was extremely unaware of the state of our healthcare system before attending this conference. Under the current model, patients are not receiving the care they need because their doctor is not able to spend the time they deserve with them. I am so grateful to have been exposed to these issues and learn about Doctors Primary Care, which is a solution that I can see myself implementing in my practice as a future primary care doctor. BRI was instrumental in my networking experience at this conference. The doctors presenting at the conference all had so much respect for BRI, so just being with them helped open the door to a lot of networking opportunities. My personal and professional goals have definitely changed.

Jennifer, OMS2
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Start or Join a Chapter Today!

To start or join a chapter today, contact Jocelyn Lobombarde:

[email protected]