Medical College of WI (MCW): BRI / AMA Health Policy Journal Club
Kerrigan Auditorium, Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, MilwaukeeJaron Smith, BRI-MCW Chapter President and Kate Nix, BRI-MCW Chapter President Emeritus made student presentations to the largest audience to date at MCW's monthly Journal Club. Before an audience of 80 attendees enjoying Qdoba burritos, Jaron's presentation questioned the value of patient
Jaron Smith, BRI-MCW President
Kate Nix, BRI-MCW President Emeritus, and former Heritage Foundation intern
satisfaction surveys, and whether they do more harm than good to patient outcomes. Kate Nix, herself a former intern at The Heritage Foundation, presented a healthcare model of eliminating employer-based insurance, and empowering patients to make their own insurance purchasing decisions.