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State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate College of Medicine: Lecture — The History of Government in US Medicine

SUNY Downstate College of Medicine, Classroom 1B 450 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn

BRI Haynes Beth Executive DirectorALL are welcome to attend a lecture by Dr. Beth Haynes, Executive Director of Benjamin Rush Institute on the history of government in US medicine. Government involvement in medicine is not a new thing, and policies from the past are currently influencing the healthcare climate today. In what ways are government policies in healthcare beneficial, and in what ways detrimental? And what can be done?

Food will be served with generous donations from Med Council and University Council. RSVPs are greatly appreciated in order to have enough for all.

BRI Beth Haynes healthcare SUNY


The Ohio State University College of Medicine: Lecture — The Economics of Healthcare Insurance: Supply and Demand

The Ohio State University, Meiling Hall, Room 160 370 W 9th Ave, Columbus

NOTE: This event takes place in the eastern time zone. Food and beverages will be served, so RSVPs are highly appreciated to ensure there's enough.

Come see Healthcare Insurance from a different angle — an economic angle!

The Economics of Healthcare Insurance: Supply & Demand

BRI OSU Lecture Suyang Li Suyang Li, M2, OSU College of Medicine

ALL are welcome to attend our FREE lunch lecture on the economics of healthcare insurance, delivered by Suyang Li, an M2 student with an economics background. Mr. Li has offered to deliver a lecture on supply and demand for OSU students who might not have gotten an introductory course to micro- and/or macroeconomics. He is then going to tie it into healthcare insurance costs.


Icahn School of Mount Sinai: Lecture — Why We Can’t Fix Healthcare Until We Know What Health Insurance Is and Is Not

Icahn School of Medicine, Annenberg Bldg. Room #12-60 1468 Madison Ave, New York

Why We Can't Fix Healthcare Until We Know What Health Insurance Is and Is Not

All are welcome to attend this free evening lecture sponsored by BRI and East Harlem Health Outreach Partnership (EHHOP). Snacks and appetizers will be served. RSVPs are greatly appreciated! Click here to register, or on the green Registration button, above right.

BRI Haynes Beth Executive DirectorDr. Beth Haynes, BRI executive director will discuss the importance of understanding the role and limitations of health insurance. She will detail how improper understanding of insurance leads to poor health outcomes. For each attendee, $5 will be donated to Mount Sinai's student run health clinic.
