AMSA PremedFest: Celebrating the Joy of Care!
Hillsborough Community College 1206 N Park Rd, Plant CityAmerican Medical Students Association (AMSA) presents the 2016 AMSA PremedFest
Join us for a full day of presentations, workshops, debates and lectures with some of the top minds in the healthcare profession, including a Keynote address by Dr. Patch Adams. BRI is an event sponsor, and Dr. Lee Gross, founder of Epiphany Health, President of Docs4PatientCare Foundation, and great friend to BRI will be part of the day's events.
Dr. Lee Gross, founder Epiphany Health
A Debate on Healthcare Reform: from fee-for-service to single payer (4:15pm – 5:15pm)
Is healthcare a fundamental human right? Or is it a commodity to be accessed on the free market? What is the role of the government in healthcare? Get in on the debate! In "Stage of Mind" track.
Featuring: Lee Gross, MD, President and Founder, Epiphany Health, and President, Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation