NOTE: This event is held at 12noon EASTERN time.
Hosted by Georgetown’s Family Medicine Interest Group, this event will feature a discussion of the innovative practice created by Dr. Alan Dappen, DocTalker. DocTalker is a practice in Virginia which charges patients not with a fee-for-service model, but instead by billing for the amount of time consumed. Dr. Dappen will discuss how his practice works with students of the Family Medicine Interest Group. BRI students are invited to attend as well.
The event is free and food will be provided.
POST-EVENT SUMMARY: Thirty-five interested students and faculty enjoyed free food and a discussion with Dr. Alan Dappen. Dr. Dappen is a founder of DocTalkers, an innovative practice in Northern Virginia in which the physicians provide care on a fee schedule based on how much time is used. By charging a set amount per hour going in, patients can have an idea of how much something might cost, and doctors have more flexibility over their own schedule. Additionally, care can be provided over the phone, something which is not reimbursable by most insurance. DocTalkers has found many satisfied patients who have been in circumstances where other options, such as the ER, would have been exorbitantly more costly and time consuming.
“There was more diverse opinion and greater outcome represented by combining with an established and pre-eminent organization on campus (Family Medicine Interest Group).” ~Danny McCorry, past president, BRI-Georgetown