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Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine—INTERVIEW: Dr. Keith Smith via Skype

Michael A Evans Center for Health Sciences, Room #EC104 Wheeler-Stokely Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Find out about Direct Pay medical delivery from a successful doctor!

BRI Keith Smith Surgery Center group Direct Pay Dr. Keith Smith, co-founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, a Direct Pay surgery center, with BRI students

We are excited to educate our fellow medical students about the direct pay medical model. Dr. Smith will talk about the Surgery Center of Oklahoma that he co-founded, how the idea was born and brought to reality, what his income model is, and how direct pay works.BRI Keith Smith Surgery Center of OK Direct Pay

All are welcome to join BRI-Marian University chapter and the Student Osteopathic Surgery Association (SOSA) for a unique Skype interview with Dr. Keith Smith. Dr. Keith Smith is a pioneer in direct pay medical delivery—in this case surgery! He runs one of the most successful surgery centers in America, and people travel from across the nation to get world class surgery at a fraction of an equivalent hospital surgery.

Dr. Smith is very generous with his knowledge and expertise and will be happy to answer questions from the audience.

Saint Louis University School of Medicine — Film screening: Poverty, Inc.

Saint Louis School of Medicine LRC Schwitalla Hall, 1402 S Grand Blvd, St. Louis, CO, United States

Our chapter is proud to screen Poverty, Inc. to students and faculty of the School of Medicine. It is a bold look at "the business of doing good." Please join us for refreshments and lively discussion following the film. All are welcome, and RSVPs are appreciated to ensure enough refreshments. If you are an SLU member, please click on the green Register button above right; otherwise please email Eric Sink, above.

BRI Poverty Inc documentaryy

From the film's website:
"The West has positioned itself as the protagonist of development, giving rise to a vast multi-billion dollar poverty industry — the business of doing good has never been better. Yet the results have been mixed, in some cases even catastrophic, and leaders in the developing world are growing increasingly vocal in calling for change. Drawing from over 200 interviews filmed in 20 countries, Poverty, Inc. unearths an uncomfortable side of charity we can no longer ignore."


Saint Louis University—PANEL: Comparing Healthcare Policies in an Election Year

Schwitalla Lecture Hall #3, Saint Louis University School of Medicine Schwitalla Hall, 1402 S Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO, United States

What exact healthcare policies are the 2016 presidential candidates proposing?

Please join us for lunch and refreshments as BRI officers present the various 2016 presidential candidates' healthcare policies and plans. A Q&A and small group discussion will follow.

BRI healthcare policies


Medical College of Wisconsin — BRI/AMA Journal Club: Monthly Meeting of the Minds

Medical College of Wisconsin, Kerrigan Auditorium 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, Wauwatosa, WI, United States

Forty-five (45) students joined us for MCW's BRI/AMA joint Journal Club's "Monthly Meeting of the Minds." This month's theme was "The Basics of Healthcare Finances Every Doctor Should Know."

During February's BRI/AMA Journal Club lunch talk we tailored our presentation specifically for an area many medical students don't learn about. While medical students learn the ins and outs of scientific medicine, they are given little to no education on the financial aspects involved with medicine. Therefore, BRI at MCW decided to give a "crash course" presentation outlining all of the various payment options and plans in the American healthcare system today. Lunch was provided to those who attended.


International Students for Liberty Conference

Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC

BRI sponsored a table, making many contacts and gaining an inquiry into a 2nd international chapter in Tel Aviv, Israel.

University of Colorado—DEBATE: Is a State Run Healthcare System Right for Colorado?

Anshutz Medical Campus, Education 1, Room 1500 13070 E 19th Ave, Aurora, CO, United States

Is a state-run healthcare system ("Colorado Care") right for Colorado?

Please join us for this FREE event. The BRI chapter at the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus is hosting a lively, informative and important debate on the future of Colorado healthcare. At issue is adopting "Amendment 69," or Colorado Care, a proposition to have a state-run taxpayer funded healthcare system in Colorado.

We will have a 30-minute lunch and information session on Amendment 69, followed by 60-minutes of two-on-two Oxford Union style debate.


Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine—LECTURE: Dr. Jason Eberl, Foundation for a Natural Right to Healthcare

Michael A Evans Center for Health Sciences, Rm TBA Wheeler-Stokely Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Marian University's BRI chapter cordially invites you to attend a lecture with Dr. Jason Eberl, a Marian University faculty member. Dr. Eberl will be making the case for a natural right to health and healthcare—opening discussion of the question to what extent the state, versus society in general, is the guarantor of this right.

Dr. Jason Eberl Dr. Jason Eberl

From Dr. Eberl's webpage:

"I primarily conduct research concerning the implications of Thomas Aquinas's metaphysical account of human personhood and natural law ethics to various issues in bioethics. I also have interests in philosophy of religion, virtue ethics, and philosophy of mind. I graduated with my Ph.D. from Saint Louis University....more

Please RSVP to ensure enough food and refreshments for all.


Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine: LECTURE — Dr. Patch Adams on the doctor-patient relationship

Marian University, Marian Hall Theater Wheeler-Stokely Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Dr. Patch Adams on the Doctor-Patient Relationship

BRI Marian Patch Adams Dr. Patch Adams

Note: This event takes place in the eastern time zone. Food will be provided. RSVPs are greatly appreciated. The Theater will be full!

In partnership with the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, Marian University center for Organizational Ethics, and the Marian University office of Institutional Advancement, BRI student leaders from Marian University are proud to present a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the celebrated Dr. Patch Adams. Dr. Adams, noted doctor (he got into medical school without an undergraduate degree!), comedian, humanitarian, social activist, and subject of the film Patch Adams with Robin Williams, will speak about himself, the doctor-patient relationship, and how he believes the doctor-patient relationship should be experienced.

Patch Adams speaks at BRI event before over 500 people. Patch Adams speaks at a co-sponsored BRI event before over 500 people.


Chicago Medical School @ RFUMS — LECTURE: The Effects of Healthcare Policy on the Patient-Provider Relationship

Chicago Medical School, Rm. L.362, East Pod 3333 Green Bay Rd, North Chicago, IL, United States

Dr. David Ansell is an Internal Medicine physician and the Chief Medical Officer at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. His work with others on the problem of patient dumping brought national attention to this issue and resulted in landmark national legislation to end this practice. In 1995, Dr. Ansell moved to Chicago's Sinai Health System, the State of Illinois’ largest private provider of indigent care and one of the foremost safety-net health systems in the U.S., as the Chairperson of Internal Medicine. At Sinai, he was responsible for the creation of the Sinai Urban Health Institute, which has become one of the nation’s leading centers for research and interventions to understand and eliminate health inequities. Dr. David Ansell on healthcare policy and the patient-provider relationship

Healthcare Policy and the Patient-Provider Relationship

Join the Chicago Medical School BRI chapter for a lunch lecture with David A. Ansell, MD, MPH. Dr. Ansell draws upon his considerable experience in urban healthcare to illustrate the ways in which US health policy affects the relationship healthcare providers have with their patients. His talk will hopefully open the eyes of future healthcare providers to the problems facing our health system today, and provide them a base from which they can find their own voice in addressing those issues as their careers progress.


George Washington University — DEBATE: Be it resolved: Providing quality healthcare to the poor is best achieved through free markets and charity, not government programs

Ross Hall, Room #117 2300 I St NW, Washington, DC, United States

Be it resolved: Providing quality healthcare to the poor is best achieved through free markets and charity, not government programs

Arguably the most important question in America's current debate about healthcare is: Who can deliver the best results for the most people? A free market, or government ("single payer")? Is there any common ground between these two greatly differing views?

BRI provides educational debates, lectures, events and resources supporting our mission to promote healthcare solutions that protect the doctor-patient relationships the primary means of delivering quality medical care. This debate at GWU is an important part of that mission, to expand discussion, education, and information about all sides of healthcare issues.

George Washington University is the Host Chapter for BRI's 4th annual leadership conference and is a proud partner with BRI in producing this debate. For the 4th consecutive year, a Friday night debate has been one of the most anticipated parts of BRI's Leadership Conference, and it is the only part of the conference open to the public.

We look forward to seeing you & thank you for being part of this important part of our healthcare future.