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Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine — Lecture: How Freedom Enriches Medicine and Life

Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Michael A. Evans Center for Health Sciences, EC104/105 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Please join us  for a late afternoon lecture over soft drinks to hear Dr. Richard B. Gunderman discuss how freedom in medicine directly affects our quality of life. Exactly how does freedom enrich life, of which medicine is just one aspect? Dr. Gunderman is Chancellor’s Professor of Radiology, Pediatrics, Medical Education, Philosophy, Liberal Arts, Philanthropy, and Medical Humanities and Health Studies at Indiana University. We think he'll have some thought-provoking things to say.

Please share this event with your colleagues, friends and family. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you here.


St. Louis University School of Medicine — Lecture: How Prepaid Health Management Could Prevent Medicare Bankruptcy

SLU, Learning Resource Center 110-111 Saint Louis University School of Nursing, 3525 Caroline Street, Saint Louis, MO, United States

Dr. Charles Willey, physician and CEO of Innovare Health Advocates will discuss the numerous healthcare businesses he has created and managed in the St. Louis area for almost 30 years. Specifically, we will discuss how he works with Medicare Advantage patients to keep them happy and healthy, all while operating at a fraction of the average cost. Dr. Willey's business model shows that keeping patients healthy saves them money, which makes them all the more happy — this is true "healthcare." You can read his testimony "Oversight of IRS’s Legal Basis for Expanding Obamacares’s Taxes and Subsidies" before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements.

There is no cost to attend this event, and refreshments will be served.


Dartmouth — Debate: Physician Aid in Dying — Should it Be Legal? 3 Viewpoints

Dartmouth, Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall Maynard Street, Hanover, NH, United States

Please join us for an evening of lively, thought-provoking debate as we look at three views on physician aid in dying. What are the moral, ethical, and medical ramifications of the question? How do we take care of the dying in a way that supports their and their family's wishes, while observing the many religious and scientific aspects of these decisions? Ultimately, who decides — the patient, the family, the society, or the physician?

We are proud to present three distinguished experts on the matter:

Green  Dr. Ronald Green, Professor of Religion/Dartmouth, Schwartz_Peter260x260BW  Peter Schwartz, Retired Chairman of the Board of the Ayn Rand Institute, and Robert Macauley, M.D.  Dr. Robert Macauley, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Vermont College of Medicine.


Yuri Maltsev, Economist: Healthcare in the Soviet Union — Wine & Cheese presentation

Half Moon Bay Wine & Cheese 421 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA, United States

Maltsev.compressedPatrick and Mary Peterson, Beth Haynes and the Benjamin Rush Institute invite you to join an intimate (30 guests maximum), convivial gathering, to sample fine wines and cheeses and meet other free market friends. You will also hear our special guest, "the last Soviet Defector," Yuri Malstev speak about the dangers of socialized medicine. Yuri will offer some brief remarks on his experiences with socialized medicine in the Soviet Union as well as some key points toward a better system from an Austrian free market ideas perspective. Hosted at the beautiful Half Moon Bay Wine & Cheese, this promises to be a memorable evening. We can't imagine a better place for free market dads to be on Father's Day!


Assuming that Obamacare will either be declared unconstitutional (at least a large part of it) by the Supreme court in the last week in June, or that it will simply fail from its own inefficiencies, costs and contradictions, what will come next?  The two clear but opposite paths for healthcare need some more consideration: socialized or free market.

You have a unique opportunity to enjoy, in a sophisticated setting, the wit and wisdom of someone greatly familiar with both paths, from personal historical experience in Soviet Russia as well as logical, but realistic, Austrian free market economic theory.


The Heritage Foundation—Panel Discussion: The ICD-10’s Costly and Complex Burden on Doctors and Patients

The Heritage Foundation, Lehrman Auditorium 214 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, United States

HTF BellNOTE: This event takes place EST.

We strongly encourage you to attend this panel discussion on the new ICD-10 regulations coming imminently to doctors and physicians throughout healthcare. Sponsored by The Heritage Foundation, a long-time BRI ally and partner in the fight to preserve the doctor-patient relationship, the panel features Dr. Robert Moffit, a favorite speaker in BRI's Speakers Bureau, and BRI's very own student leader and past Heritage Foundation Intern, John Grimsley (BRI-Georgetown), who has contributed enormously to this discussion, and others.


The Doctor’s Lounge Radio — INTERVIEW with Dr. Richard Armstrong

07/09/15 Guest Dr. Richard Armstrong, BRI board member and Docs4PatientCare Foundation treasurer. Join host Dr. Michael Koriwchak and his guest Dr. Richard Armstrong, Treasurer of the Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation, steps into the Doctor's Lounge this Thursday to discuss our first calling.

Summit at the Summit: Keystone, CO July 20 – 26, 2015

Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO 1200 Co Road 8, Keystone, CO, United States

Let My Doctor Practice is a movement founded by United Physicians and Surgeons of America (UPSA) to restore the voice of the doctor to the practice of medicine. We believe in the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, the autonomy to practice medicine without restraint imposed by overreaching government and corporate entities, and, above all, that patient care and safety should never be compromised. Together, we will unite our voices to restore the practice of medicine to those who actually practice medicine.

Held in beautiful Keystone, Colorado, many of our favorite speakers and doctors (including Dr. Beth Haynes, BRI Executive Director) will be convening to take decisive steps to restore commonsense to American healthcare. This is a conference you won't want to miss if your future as a healthcare professional and your patients are important to you.

Let your voice be heard at the Summit at the Summit: Conference and Interactive Webcast—A National Grand Rounds on the State of American Medicine July 20-26, 2015 in Keystone, Colorado.

$45 – $290

AAPP Conference Summer 2015

San Diego, CA, USA San Diego, CA, United States

BRI sponsored 10 students to attend this conference. They wrote about their experiences. you can read their articles here.

AAPP- American Association of Private Physicians


The Doctor’s Lounge Radio — INTERVIEW with Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Foundation

08/06/15 Guest Sally Pipes, founder of the Pacific Research Institute, and BRI originator. Join host Dr. Koriwchak and guest Sally Pipes as she steps into the Doctor's Lounge to brief us on the data behind several national editorials she recently authored. Medicaid turns 50 this year. Costing a $1 billion in 1965, the program now costs taxpayers nearly $500 billion a year. And its costs are projected to increase by almost 7 percent a year through 2023. - Medicaid Poverty Trap is growing worse - New York Post

Marian University — CALL OUT MEETING with Dr. Gunderman

Michael A. Evans Center for Health Sciences EC126 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

We will be having our 1st meeting of the new year. We plan on giving an overview of what the Benjamin Rush Institute is, what we expect to accomplish this year, and vote on a new 1st year officer to help coordinate schedules.


Free Market Medical Association (FMMA) 2nd Annual Conference Aug. 21-22, 2015

Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City, OK 1 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

NOTE: This takes place in the Central Time Zone, and runs 11am to 9pm both days.

Disruptive Changes: Treating Patients Better and Faster with Transparent Prices and a Free Market Philosophy
Once again, the FMMA conference will be led by free market trailblazers, like Jay Kempton and Dr. Keith Smith, and in this — its 2nd year — conference organizers and attendees look forward to contributions by second- and third-generation free market converts, as well as from some of the cutting edge, free market entrepreneurs who are already accelerating current changes.

Ten (10) BRI students were granted BRI scholarships to attend FMMA's first conference in 2014 and were extremely positive about the impact the Conference had on their thinking about healthcare policy. Click on the link to read their experiences.


Medical College of Wisconsin — BRI Milk & Cookies Meet ‘n Greet: Introductory meeting

Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI, United States

All are welcome to join us for milk and cookies and find out about Benjamin Rush Institute (BRI). BRI is a long-established student-led group at MCW. BRI's mission is: Promote solutions that protect the doctor-patient relationship as the primary means of delivering quality medical care, empowered by a robust free enterprise system, which fosters innovation and reduces costs. BRI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to enlarging the discussion about healthcare solutions.

Milk & cookies will be provided; RSVPs are appreciated!
