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St. Louis University School of Medicine: CODE BLACK Movie Screening

Learning Resource Center PITLYK AUDITORIUM B — 3525 Caroline Street, Saint Louis, MO, United States

Welcome! This will be the first event held by the St. Louis University School of Medicine BRI Chapter. We will give a brief introductory message about what BRI stands for and hand out informational material. Following the introduction, we will show the "Code Black" documentary. Finally, we will encourage attendees to attend our next event which will hopefully be held in March.

Parking is available at Hickory East Garage Visitor Parking, 3424 Hickory Street, St. Louis, MO.

NOTE: This event take place Eastern Time. Snacks and appetizers will be served. An RSVP is appreciated. We look forward to seeing you there and helping us kick off St. Louis University School of Medicine's Benjamin Rush Institute Chapter!

Code Black is a must-see documentary for any medical student, regardless of specialization. This documentary is about Emergency Room c-booth-traumamedicine, and specifically about the LA County Hospital’s C-Booth trauma center. Follow the eye-opening, real world experience of ER doctors as their ability to deliver quality ER care changes when they move from the Old County Hospital to the New County Hospital. Read BRI contributing blogger Derek Dye’s movie review or watch the trailer.


American Academy of Private Physicians (AAPP) — CONFERENCE, San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA, USA San Diego, CA, United States

BRI sponsored nine (9) medical students to attend this event. Several wrote blog posts outlining their experience of attending the American Academy of Private Physicians (AAPP) conference, and what they learned about the advantages of Direct Primary Care and free market medicine.

Portland, OR Multnomah Athletic Club — Lecture: The Man Who Could Bring Down ObamaCare

Multnomah Athletic Club 1849 Southwest Salmon Street, Portland, OR, United States

Michael Cannon CATO headshotAre subsidies distributed through federal health insurance exchanges legal, or not? This is the question posed by King v. Burwell, scheduled for oral argument before the US supreme Court on March 4th with a ruling expected by June, 2015.

What is being deliberated, and why? How likely is it that the subsidies will be found illegal, and what would that mean for Oregon and Washington?

Just six days before the case is to be heard, you have the opportunity to learn the details from Michael Cannon, considered by some to be the "intellectual father" of the strategy behind this legal challenge. He will discuss the case, what is at stake in Oregon and Washington — and for the ACA in general — as well as present his thoughts on how Congress should reform healthcare.

Rowan U. SOM – Lecture: Dr. Marian Mass

RowanSOM Academic Center Rm 279 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, 42 East Laurel Road, Stratford, NJ, United States

Dr_Marion_MassDr. Marion Mass, of Jellinek Pediatrics and a member of BRI's Speakers Bureau will speak to us on preserving the doctor-patient relationship in an era of increasing regulation. Refreshments will be served.

Ohio University — Lecture: Patient-Centered Medical Home

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine 204 Grosvenor St, Athens, OH, United States

What is a "medical home?" Join us Monday, March 16th for a presentation by Dr. Roxanne Cech, from the Dept. of Family Medicine at OUHCOM. What does a patient-centered practice look like?

This event is free and is the Eastern time zone. RSVP's appreciated.


Dartmouth – Documentary: Wait ‘Till It’s Free

Dana Biomedical Library Rm 339 Hanover, NH, United States

Wait-til-ITs-Free---webCome and join us for dinner and a movie on Thursday, March 19th at 6pm in room #339 of the Dana Biomedical Library on the main campus. We'll run through a few quick announcements and then watch the new documentary on American healthcare, Wait Till It's Free. The film is a provocative look at healthcare that questions whether greater government involvement in the financing and delivery of healthcare would be a good thing. If you plan to attend, please RSVP so that we can order the right amount of food.


Marian University – Film: Wait Till It’s Free

Michael A. Evans Center for Health Sciences Rm EC-130 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Wait-til-ITs-Free---webColin Gunn's 2014 documentary on the perils of government sponsored healthcare will be screened. Wait Til It's Free is "A provocative documentary film that takes a hard and honest look at the way we do healthcare in America.

The film looks at everything from the escalating cost of health insurance to the move towards socialized medicine - and some alternatives which preserve the doctor-patient relationship while providing quality care at affordable prices.

A discussion of the film will follow.


Marian University COM – Lecture: Sports Medicine and the Healthcare Market: An uneven playing field.

Michael A. Evans Center for Health Sciences Wheeler-Stokely Mansion, 3200 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States

NOTE: This event takes place from 5:15 - 6:00 pm EST (Indianapolis).

Lecture: Dr. Timothy Von Fange, MD, Family Practice and Sports Medicine,  will be speaking on the medical innovations in sports medicine, and how those innovations could not take place without the free market. He will also be speaking on the differences between primary care and specialized healthcare in sports medicine.

The event is free but please RSVP.


Medical College of WI (MCW): BRI / AMA Health Policy Journal Club

Kerrigan Auditorium, Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI, United States

This event occurs in the Central Time Zone, starting at 12 noon. Lunch (sandwiches or pizza) will be provided. medjournal

BRI/AMA Journal Club is a meeting where students present and discuss news or journal articles on various extra-medical topics. Themes relate to health policy, public health, medical technology, and much more. Other upcoming 2015 dates: Apr 29; May 13.


St. Louis U. School of Medicine – Lecture: Concierge Medicine in St. Louis

Learning Resource Center Auditorium C 3525 Caroline Street, Saint Louis, MO, United States


Dr. Ken Rybicki will give us insight into why he went into concierge medicine, what it's like to be a concierge doctor, and where the future of the profession is heading. Lunch will be provided, and the event is open to all who are interested.

Visitor parking is located in the Hickory East parking garage: 3424 Hickory Street, St. Louis, MO 63104


Washington DC – Building a BOLD Future: BRI Annual Student Leadership Conference

Washington D.C. 525 New Jersey Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, United States


See full 3-day Agenda. 

We are facing challenges in U.S. healthcare like never before. America's future doctors will encounter unprecedented regulations and government interference that practitioners just ten years ago never dreamed of. What happens to tomorrow's doctors depends entirely on what we achieve today in protecting and preserving the doctor-patient relationship, cost transparency, and free market competition.

We stand for tomorrow's doctors to be able to practice medicine without burdensome and stifling regulations, and with freedom to focus on their primary concern: each individual patient. We're glad you're in this with us, and we look forward to getting to work with you in Washington, DC to create an environment where a healthcare system based on abundance, technological excellence, and doctor-patient rights can emerge.

That will entail standing for a bold future.