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U. of TX – San Antonio: DEBATE: “50 years of Uncertainty: Are markets unsuitable for healthcare?”

Pestana Lecture Hall 3.104A University of Texas School of Medicine at San Antonio 7703 Floyd Curl Dr, San Antonio, TX, United States

The resolution for this debate is “Be It Resolved: Healthcare markets are not unique and do not require extra government intervention in order to function." This resolution is constructed to address 50 years of economic debate on the proper role of markets in healthcare, stemming from Kenneth Arrow’s seminal article “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care” in which he stated the “laissez-faire solution for medicine is intolerable." We have two debaters who will in general uphold the resolution, and two debaters who in general disagree.

Arguing the Affirmative:

Avik Roy, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; author of The Apothecary Forbes column; graduate of Yale School of Medicine

Dr. Mark Pauly, PhD, Professor of Health Professor of Health Care Management and Business Economics and Public Policy, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Arguing in Opposition

Dr. William Sage, MD/JD, Vice Provost for Health Affairs UT- Austin; editor of Uncertain Times: Kenneth Arrow and the Changing Economics of Health Care.

Dr. Sam Richardson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, LBJ School of Public Affairs, UT-Austin

Moderator: Dr. Fred Campbell, Clinical Professor, UTHSCSA


U. of Cincinnati – Dr. Will Sawyer “The Future Private Practice in Primary Care”

Room E351 2600 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about an exciting lunch talk on The Future Private Practice in Primary Care co-sponsored by Family Medicine Interest Group and Benjamin Rush Institute that will take place next Tuesday, December 10th at noon in room E351.
The Future of Private Practice in Primary Care is an important topic in the changing climate of our healthcare system. Dr. Will Sawyer, a solo private practice physician, will be discussing his experience in the world of private practice. He encourages you to come to the lunch talk with questions!!

U. of Louisville – Ralph Weber “Modern Medicine, the Old Fashioned Way”

U. Louisville School of Medicine: Instructional Blg. Rm B-202 Kornhauser Library and Commons Building, 500 S Preston St, Louisville, KY, United States


Ralph F. Weber (born October 26, 1961) is a Canadian philanthropic entrepreneur, writer, Accredited Estate Planner, Certified Financial Planner, Registered Employee Benefits Consultant, Chartered Life Underwriter, and Chartered Financial Consultant residing in the United States who participated in a health care forum with presidential hopeful, Rudy Giuliani, during his Rudy Giuliani presidential campaign, 2008 in 2006. Later, Weber contributed to the health care policy reforms of both Giuliani, while he was Mayor of New York City, and California State Assemblyman Mike Villines. Weber's goal is to create a free-market health care system to help patients save money. He regularly contributes articles and speaks at public and private functions to promote awareness of domestic medical tourism, patient rights, and the economics of health care.


Debate: Medical College of Wisconsin “Defined-Contribution Reforms (Premium Support) are Required to Sustain Medicare.”

Kerrigan Auditorium, Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Arguing the Affirmative:

RobertMoffitRobert Moffit, Senior Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

Dr. Richard Armstrong, MD
Dr. Richard Armstrong, MD, General Surgeon;  COO, Docs4PatientCare

Arguing in Opposition

Jonathan Cohn

Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor, The New Republic

Dr. Cyril Hetkso, MD, Professor of Medicine,

HetskoUniversity of Wisconsin

Moderator:   William J. Hueston, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


Debate: Albany Medical College — THE GREAT DEBATE Motion: Switch to Single Payer

THE LINDA – WAMC’S PERFORMING ARTS STUDIO 339 Central Ave, Albany, NY, United States


For the Affirmative: Dr. Paul Song, member of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Cedars-Sinai's Samuel Oschin Cancer Center.

For the Opposition: Dr. Mitch Heller, attending physician at the JFK Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine.

Moderator: Dr. Kimberly Kilby, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education


National BRI Student Leadership Conference

Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast, Aurora, CO 3200 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO, United States

Current & Future

BRI Student Chapter Leaders

You care about the future of medicine — you ARE the future of medicine! 
Want to ...
  — learn how to make your BRI Chapter an effective, vital part of your school's educational program?
  — know how to start and maintain a vibrant BRI Chapter that hosts exceptional, noteworthy debates, lectures, lunch presentations, and talks?
  — be part of the answer to establishing American healthcare that really works... for everyone?
You will...
  — meet like-minded student leaders from medical schools across the country
  — exchange ideas, support and experience to help each other succeed in all areas
If we are going to reach the hearts and minds of young physicians, YOU are the ones who will make it happen; without you, the values and ideas we share will NOT be heard in medical schools.

Debate: UC-Denver “Is the Independent Payment Advisory Board the way to control Medicare spending?”

Education 1, Lecture Hall 1500 Anschutz Medical Campus 13001 E 17th Pl, Aurora, CO, United States

For the Opposition:
Dr. Todd Frederick, DO, Dept. of Family Medicine, Ohio University Heritage School of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Jill Vecchio, MD, Radiologist, Fellow in Healthcare Policy, Centennial Institute
For the Affirmative:
Dr. Gary VanderArk, MD, retired neurosurgeon, faculty Colorado University SOM
Dr. Michael Victoroff, MD, CEO of Lynxcare, Inc
Dr. John Bender, MD, Family Medicine Physician and President of Colorado Medical Society


Ohio University-HCOM: Lecture — An economic approach to healthcare

Ohio University OH, United States

Join us on Monday, March 17 2014 for a lecture by Dr. Harold Winter, PhD in economics, and associate professor of economics at Ohio University. He will lead a discussion on how economists approach healthcare.

RSVPs appreciated. We will be serving light refreshments. Attendees are invited to join us for a no-host dinner after the debate.

NOTE: This event takes place in the EASTERN TIME ZONE.
