Dr. Todd Fredricks is a Primary Care physician from Ohio University. His talk will cover the current state of the PPACA with regard to impending legal challenge, the state of medicine as practiced by new physicians, and the current changes that physicians are making to try and reestablish personal freedom in practice.
Lunch will be provided.
POST-EVENT REPORT: Forty-five attendees — mostly medical students from Ohio State — joined BRI for a Lunch and Learn with Dr. Todd Fredricks, D.O., of Ohio University. Dr. Fredricks’ talk centered on how the ACA infringes upon personal liberty and the Doctor-Patient relationship. Dr. Fredricks began by addressing the concept of liberty from the points of view of our nation’s founders, quoting the likes of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Franklin. Dr. Fredricks then applied this concept to the current healthcare climate.
Dr. Fredricks also gave brief updates on King v. Burwell, as well as other current legal challenges to the ACA. In the end, he provided some parting shots regarding how new practitioners should approach their careers in medicine given the political and economic climates. The event was very well received by students, and many hung around to chat with Dr. Fredricks after the event.