Ohio State University COM—Documentary Screening: “The Bleeding Edge”
Meiling Hall, Room 160 370 W 9th Ave., Columbus, OH"The Bleeding Edge" is a film about the organ market in China. Lunch will be served.
"The Bleeding Edge" is a film about the organ market in China. Lunch will be served.
Dr. Jason Eberl All are welcome to hear popular professor Dr. Jason Eberl and other panelists discuss “Physician Conscience Clause: Bioethics." POST-EVENT SUMMARY: Twenty-five students attended.
This year: The Ethics of the Patient-Doctor Relationship
To whom does a doctor owe loyalty? An employer or insurance contract, government ("state") rules, or the patient?
What happens when regulations, government policy, and other third parties insert their priorities into medical decision making?
How does the concept of "social justice" affect the patient-doctor relationship?
Medical Ethics and the Holocaust: Lessons From the Past For the first time, Benjamin Rush Institute is opening its Friday Keynote Luncheon address with Dr. Raul Artal to the greater OSU, OUHCOM, other local universities, and the greater Columbus community. Raul Artal, MD, FACOG, FACSM will be our luncheon Keynote Speaker on the topic Medical Ethics and the Holocaust: […]