Part of the healthcare reform debate is on how to improve care by modifying physician compensation. What method will best lead to quality improvement and cost reduction? Is it by replacing fee-for-service with ACOs, or bundled payments? Should all physicians be salaried, whether in government single-payer system or private businesses? Is fee-for-service the real culprit for rising costs by driving “volume not value?” Will other methods be superior? What are the best ways to discover better payment models? Is it government-driven policy changes, or do we need to let market competition drive innovations in delivery and compensation?
Come hear what four policy experts have to say on this very important part of solving the challenges we face in providing quality, affordable medical care.
Moderator: Howard P. Forman, MD, MBA, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Public Health (Health Policy), Management, and Economics at Yale University.
Zack Cooper, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Public Health (Health Policy) and of Economics at Yale University, and will represent the position that public policy must drive payment innovation in healthcare.
John R. Graham is a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis and will represent the position that fee-for-service would work well in healthcare if not tied to the 3rd party payer system.
Neil B. Minkoff, MD is a former Commissioner of the Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission and will represent the position that innovative payment models should be developed by the free market.
Robert Nordgren, MD, MBA, MPH, is the CEO of Northeast Medical Group and a Senior Vice President of Yale New Haven Health System, and will represent the position that salaried models work well in healthcare.
Brought to you by the YSM Healthcare Improvement Group/IHI Open School Chapter, and sponsored by the Benjamin Rush Institute, Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, Yale Graduate and Professional Student Senate, Yale Healthcare Life Sciences Club, and Yale Healthcare Collective.